Header Scripts

How to Create a Fillable PDF Form

One of the really amazing features of a PDF form is that you can make the fields fillable by the user and then e-mail the form results. This could greatly decrease the use of paper and NCR forms if it was widely used. Trying to Find a Solution When I first tried to...

Copying Files and Inheriting Security Permissions in Windows

A file may require permissions to access other documents in Windows. It could be an XFDF data file that uses a PDF template located either in its own folder or another path on a network. The file would need permissions to access that file if the file or the folder...

Looking Inside an Olympus D-535

My old Olympus D-535 camera stopped working after years of operation. This was the first digital camera I bought and replaced an Olympus Stylus film camera I had previously. The camera worked well and took good photos, even though it was just 3.2 MP. I gave the camera...

How to Delete Spam Accounts in Joomla

Spam is still a serious problem for web sites, mainly due to the fact that spam marketing is highly effective. A small percentage of sales of millions of e-mails sent out can generate substantial revenues. Content management systems require users to typically create...
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